My sisters and I, as small children, possessed some inexplicable fascination with all things Gone With the Wind. By 7, I could probably quote the movie in its entirety. I'm not joking.

I've watched her screen tests, how they made those gorgeous costumes...the works. She's the reason I rented A Streetcar Named Desire in high school. Last week, I stuck That Hamilton Woman in my Netflix queue. Only because of Vivien Leigh (well, I also read that Winston Churchill held a screening of it for Roosevelt at the onset of WWII). So in my book, few actresses are more beautiful or talented than Vivien Leigh. Which is why I choose her for my first style study.
She could've made a paper sack look effortless and beautiful. Standing next to then husband Laurence Olivier completed any look.
I don't always understand the severe part in her hair. This two-toned foamy dress is magnificent, though. I love the sash.
She could pull of a smart hat and suit:
Wide-legged pants:
Summer halter dresses:
Um, holiday wear?
And that messy bed-head, I haven't eaten since this blasted war broke out, great balls of fire look:
That last distinction goes to her alone. No one else could pull of that bit of fluff that was Scarlet, also providing her character complexity and growth.
La adoro! Great post!