The Hubs and I have bounced around the idea of a Grecian vacation for a long time. It's not happening this year, but I'm always grabbing bits of info from the travel channel, or Rick Steves, or my aimless walks around the internet.
On New Years, my family watched My Life in Ruins starring Nia Vardalos and Richard Dreyfuss. Have you seen this movie? It is funny and entertaining. The scenery is breathtaking.
I'm a couple of seasons behind, but this movie really inspired me to look at Grecian design. First off: Vardalos wears a stunning blue dress in the movie:

I wish I had a full length picture of the dress. The color is so vibrant. On closer inspection the sleeves seem a bit odd to me. She wears plenty of beautifully draped dresses throughout the film...I'll have to watch it again to pick out my favorites.
Some other beautifully draped designs:
I love this! I have been inspired to create more of this kind od look for my wardrobe. I am sick of jeans everyday. I found this a few days ago and thought you would enjoy it.
Also Miss Bella is loving the fish today, likes watching them follow the food