Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vegan Week II

The beginning of this week was pretty tricky. Probably because we fell off the vegan wagon over the weekend (Cheesecake factory without dairy?! Seriously?!). So I picked right back up on Monday, and this week was easier.

I have heard a lot of talk about detoxing, but this wasn't something I was necessarily after just now. I think the detox found me, though. My arms broke out like a teenager, and for about a day and a half I felt something like death warmed over. I pushed through.

On the other side of what I call my accidental detox, I feel much better. My energy level is through the roof. I told a friend this week I felt euphoric. She didn't seem naturally comfortable with that word describing a normal state of being, but it's absolutely accurate to describe this insane amount of energy!

Aloe juice was added to the diet. I think it tastes pretty wonky on its own, so I throw lemon juice into the mix. Not bad. Actually, its bizarrely refreshing.

Speaking of lemon...a cuppa warm water with lemon juice has been setting each day off right. Yum.

Activity wise, I stuck with consistency over pushing myself. A mile and a half every morning on the elliptical and some odd yard work in the afternoon has been the extent of my movement. Next week I hope to double each run, or double the number of 1.5 mile runs. We shall see!

I refuse to step on a scale for a month. My goal is a wholesome, complete life wherein food plays a role, but does not dictate happiness and contentment. That feeling of eating for comfort is just so wrong. I don't miss it.

The vegan meals are rejuvenating. I don't finish a meal thinking, "wow, I ate too much" or, "I am so miserable; why did I eat that?" That's a good thing!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trying Vegan

We are starting day 3 of vegan eating. I really am lactose intolerant, so I have no idea why its been so hard to cut dairy out of my life. Even as a kid I thought cheese was gross (unless it was melted; then I could choke it down). Still, it is hard to cut eggs out of life and still consider baking and casseroles


Immediately the hubs and I noticed our heartburn was gone. No antacids required. This is unusual around here. Also very freeing.

My energy level is seriously ramped up. I love that boundless ecstatic feeling fruit gives me. Or my multivitamin. Or both. Whichever.

Our meals have had lots of variety. I was afraid we'd be stuck in a rut of two or three go-to meals. So far, we've been having fun preparing all those veggies.

The food has kept me full. Last night at dinner it seemed like I was finishing the 96-er from The Great Outdoors for all the chewing and swallowing I was doing. Brown rice is uber filling and takes about a million years to finish. Very satisfying.


Mentally, its hard to switch over to vegan, even if only for a time. I thought being a vegetarian for nearly a year would make it easier to omit eggs and dairy. It is still tricky.

So far the kids really haven't squawked too much about the meals. I have prepared them some mac 'n cheese and other meal add ons. These have been simple augmentations to our meals that haven't worn me out in the kitchen.

Food prep time is increased with all the veggie cutting and peeling and slicing and dicing. At least I have the extra energy to get in the kitchen and get it done!


I've been reading vegan before & after stories online, and on youtube; anywhere I can get ahold of them. When your friends think you might be extraterrestrial for considering veganism, its helpful to know you're not alone.

Vegan cooking blogs. There are scads of recipes out there. Like most things on the internet, though, this can suck the minutes (hours) of my life. Just browsing!

That's where I'm at. Feeling great; motivated to move more. The benefits way outweigh the challenges.

More updates on this endeavor soon.